Thursday, 13 October 2011

Blackberry outage and the lesson in it for us

Blackberry services have been erratic over the last 3 days - to say the least. No one is quite sure what brought it all on, but people in the know have indicated that this was expected to happen, sooner than later. Apparently, the servers of BB (as it is affectionately called by die hard loyalists), were wilting under the pressure of increased, and unanticipated user activity. Apparently, the in-house techies had tried to raise the red flag on this a few months ago, but the bosses had decided to keep pushing their luck.

We event managers keep pushing our luck - how we can be such incurable optimists beats me. I have lost count of the number of times that people don't report small activity glitches to a client on the assumption that they will not visit that particular activity location - after all, considering the number of locations in total, the odds are weak.

What separates the really effective and successful event managers from the rest is the determination to beat Murphy, at his game. I would go by the maxim - if I can fix anything, I will (whether the client is looking or not). Its simple, it works, makes you feel like a star at trouble-shooting, and, by a stroke of luck, if the client finds out - you've got him for life!

The truth is that no one, not even the biggest guys in the business are infallible. Our past performance can take us some distance, but at the end of the day - you are only as good as your last event.

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